MUNDUS VINI summer tasting 2018

The 23rd Grand International Wine Award Mundus Vini has drawn to a close with numerous medals: Grand Gold, Gold and Silver. At this year’s summer tasting 4.311 wines from all over the world and 40 countries were blind tasted and rated by 175 judges, who critically examined and evaluated the wines.
German wines have proven again that they belong amongst the top of the world. 2 times Grand Gold, 97 times Gold and 194 times silver. From Riesling to Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris, Rosé and Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) up to first-class sparkling wines and noble sweet rarities, German winemakers show that they are among the leaders in international comparison.
The most successful German winery at the summer tasting was the Juliusspital winery in Würzburg.
7 Gold and 7 Silver medals were awarded to the excellent wines of Franconia.
For Riesling and Silvaner wines, the traditional winery showed an impressive wine portfolio, which was honored with the special award "Best Silvaner of the Competition" for the 2016 Iphöfer Julius-Echter-Berg Silvaner dry VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS.
Gold in competition
Best of Show Silvaner / special award
2016 Iphöfer Julius-Echter-Berg Silvaner dry VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS
Gold / 2016 Würzburger Stein Silvaner dry VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS
Gold / 2016 Würzburger Stein Riesling dry VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS
Gold / 2017 Würzburger Riesling dry VDP.ORTSWEIN
Gold / 2017 Würzburger Stein Weißer Burgunder dry VDP.ERSTE LAGE
Gold / 2017 Würzburger Stein Riesling dry VDP.ERSTE LAGE
Gold / 2017 Würzburger Stein Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese